Established 2005

Law Firms and Sole Practicing Attorneys Needed an Outsourced Marketing Solution to Help People Find Them Online

John Nicholas Augustine, J.D., founded Lone Star Content Marketing in 2005, to meet the needs of solo-practicing attorneys and small law firms by producing high-quality websites, audio, video, and website content.

Getting involved in business and chamber of commerce groups, Nick started working for business clients who also needed high-quality blog articles, websites, and social media marketing services. 

What We Do For Our Clients

  • We increase your online presence and help people find you in search engine results, from ads to maps and organic results.
  • When people find you and review your website and social media pages, the variety of content we create for you helps them decide to hire or buy from you.
  • People seek out others they know, like, and trust. We focus on making you look good and highlighting what you do well for your clients or customers.

At Lone Star Content Marketing, we make our attorney clients approachable and highlight the critical elements of their practice and what makes them unique.

Today, We Work With Texas Attorneys and Business Owners Statewide

The attorneys and business owners who trust Lone Star Content Marketing are highly rated and respected by their peers and clients. We serve Texas law firms and businesses all over the Lone Star State, in small towns and big cities like Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and everywhere in between.

See the Our Clients page

At Lone Star Content Marketing, our story began in 2005 with a vision to revolutionize how brands connect with their audiences. Over the years, we’ve evolved, adapted, and grown, but our commitment to excellence remains unwavering.

Our Journey:

1. Founding Principles: From day one, we’ve been driven by a passion for storytelling and a dedication to delivering exceptional results for our clients.

2. Milestones: Over the years, we’ve achieved significant milestones, expanding our services and establishing ourselves as industry leaders.

3. Client Success Stories: Our success is measured by the success of our clients. Explore some inspiring stories of how we’ve helped businesses like yours thrive in the digital landscape.

4. Team Growth: Our team has grown and diversified, bringing together talented individuals from various backgrounds to offer a comprehensive range of expertise.

5. Community Impact: We’re proud to be an integral part of the communities we serve. Learn more about our initiatives and contributions to making a positive difference.

As we reflect on our journey, we’re excited about the future and the opportunities ahead. Thank you for being a part of our story. Let’s continue to write the next chapter together.