Organizing Law Firm Marketing Systems
Over many years of practice, I slowly developed my proprietary marketing system to manage my client’s digital marketing, advertising, and public relations. A key component I can share is the individual personality of every client. What works for one may not work for others. An understanding of what my clients care about and that which makes them tick is an asset.
I used to advertise and market the services of my firm with many blogs, podcasts, and presentations that were detailed and technical. While certainly proving knowledge and mastery of the subject matter, all most people wanted to know was the result and how it would work for them. It is better to keep the process to yourself insofar as you can adapt that system as you go and are not bound by what industry competitors are doing, which can be a monkey see, monkey do operation.
The Interpersonal Relationship Among Clients and Their Marketing Team is Important
Underneath it all, one element of my practice is unique: I am discerning and limiting when taking on new clients. I learned years ago that the best work I do is for those I know, like, and trust. Not only do I make sure the fit is good, I think about whether my clients likely know the other people using my firm for their legal marketing. I assume they will know if I ever promote practices too close or competitive with theirs. It being a quiet check and balance system, it is an important part of the vision of how my practice works. Theoretically, when you distinguish geographic locations and practice areas, everyone you touch is a good referral source for the others.
My suggestion to anyone concerned with growing professional practices is to take note of what others are doing, while you go in your own direction, creating and maintaining your own path. Being structured to allow for flexibility encourages adaptation to all types of conditions. Patience and perseverance are important to growing a practice. The seeds you plant today may take years to grow, and as they do, the fruit can be significant.