Google Map Pack
Websites and SEO

The Google Map Pack and SEO

Use Lone Star Content Marketing to Position You for the Google Map Pack

Google determines your local results based on relevance, distance, and prominence. While you may not be able to do anything about location and distance from people searching, you can affect your relevance and prominence on Google.

Google Map Pack and Search Engine Ranking Factors We Can Control

Take advantage of opportunities you can control in your Internet marketing strategy. You want people to find you online and that starts with Google. Telling Google who you are and what you do seems obvious, but there are simple opportunities people often miss.

Google determines who appears on the maps and search with several factors. Google wants to show the best search result options on maps and search results. Google offers helpful articles like this: Improve your local ranking on Google. The article explains how important it is to take a few of the following steps in your Google My Business (GMB) page:

  • Verify your location(s);
  • Keep your hours accurate;
  • Manage and respond to reviews; and
  • Add photos

Google determines your local results based on relevance, distance, and prominence. While you may not be able to do anything about location and distance from people searching, you can affect your relevance and prominence on Google.

Nick Augustine, Lone Star Content Marketing founder on relevance and prominence, “Completing your online business profile and using consistent business information everywhere you are can affect your search relevance. The prominence part is more complex. We can’t see the algorithms, but we know what seems to work when we see results.”

Google My Business Optimization for the Google Map Pack

Just like the best websites are the easiest to use and find, a Google My Business profile needs to be perfect. Be able to simply communicate and make yourself look like a relevant authority people want. How quickly can someone can understand what you do and whether you are good at it? Try Googling a common thing you look for online and take a closer look at well-known companies that appear in the map pack. It can take lots of time and work to make it look seamless.

Citation Signals for the Google Map Pack

Citations in search engine optimization are online references to your business name, address, and phone number. For example, your business is listed on a chamber of commerce or civic group website is a citation. People often think a link to their 
business is necessary for citations. This is not true, but often the same place you have a citation, you also have a link. These citations show Google that your business has authority when its name, address and phone number appear on the Internet.

On-page SEO for the Google Map Pack

On-page SEO is the reason we have “content marketing” in our agency name. When people talk about keywords and content they are talking about on-page SEO, the practice of optimizing individual websites pages and blog posts to rank higher. The higher-ranking sites get more relevant traffic in search engine results. If you want people to find you in the Google Map Pack for “Divorce
Lawyer Georgetown, Texas,” you have lots of work with that longtail keyword. The more you publish, the better you rank. It can take three to six or more months to rank for certain keyword combinations. Google rewards hard work, the frequent publishing of original content. Use Lone Star Content Marketing to write your on-page SEO for the Google Map Pack and search engine result pages. Call Nick Augustine at (940) 498-2863 or contact Lone Star Content Marketing to get started.

Effective Law Firm Marketing and SEO Requires Content Marketing and Auditing

The best and the worst things about content marketing is the long haul to success. So while you tune your Google Ad words to make the phone ring immediately, keep those keywords handy for your on-page SEO work. Whether you write and publish all your own content or use a website content marketing agency, make sure you make the plan and work the plan. If you are not technically trained in writing keyword content in the right structure, don’t waste your efforts on what Google may see as filler content that does not help establish your relevance and prominence.

“Over 15 years in law firm content marketing I’ve put together a combination of written, audio, and video content that Google seems to love.” – Nick Augustine

Use Lone Star Content Marketing for Google Map Pack Strategy
and SEO (940) 498-2863